Alchemy for the Soul Study Group

Wed, Oct 25, 2023
7:30pm - 9:00pm


Alchemy for the Soul Study Group

with Franklin LaVoie

2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom


A suggested donation of $7 or more

per session may be made using PayPal.



Franklin LaVoie offers practical, pleasurable insights and inspiration for cultivating Soul to enhance your life and contribute to humanity. In real ways, immortality can be achieved.

Permanent Zoom Link:


Every other Wednesday, people gather online to discuss Alchemy, an advanced Spiritual Science for Soul-Making.

"Creativity is Healing"-- that’s the maxim of our alchemical hypothesis. The “Great Work”, as it is called, involves an experiment on the self which gets projected onto a Lab Experiment.

Following in C.G. Jung’s alchemical tradition, our lab experiments involve Art projects, Writing projects, Dream Explorations, and other soulful expressions.

Sharing our Creative Expressions is an evolutionary instinct; it forms positive social bonds that foster spiritual development. Plus, by cultivating our creativity, using our human faculties, our Hands-Heart-and Head we’re practicing soul-making. Soul and spirit become intimately entwined to produce the conjunctio, the Sacred Marriage, a primary goal of the Alchemical Opus.

We invite you to attend, listen, comment, share your work, and learn the metaphysical concepts and the symbolic language of the eternal archetypal world, which helps us to manifest the “Philosopher’s Stone”, the Holy Grail of the Alchemical Opus.


For each workshop, a donation of $7.00 is suggested, more if you can, to help pay for Jung Center Buffalo’s ongoing space rental at 371 Delaware Avenue and to show gratitude for our presenters' time and expertise.


"I look forward to the Alchemy classes every two weeks. They are my main source of spiritual nourishment." -- K.Tussing

"Under the guidance of Franklin LaVoie, the current series of Alchemical talks has inspired the sharing of ideas and has been a bright spot during this period of pandemic isolation. Especially enjoyable has been the encouragement of creativity in words and artwork, an awakening to new possibilities " -- J. Perrin

"Carl Jung was awestruck by the similarities between ancient alchemy and his own theories of the interplay of unconscious and conscious. In this ongoing, casual forum, we share our insights with each other and see how our own journeys relate to the alchemical search to turn base metal (unconscious material) into gold!" -- A. Sikes